I believe images speak more than words, so take a look at my thumbnails
My thumbnails
[Image: Thumbnail_showcase.png?ex=660bf455&is=65...height=395]
My client reviews
[Image: Tm__reviews_showcase.png?ex=660bf476&is=...height=395]
What you get for the price

Along with ordering thumbnail from me you get:
-Video title ideas 
-Multiple concepts to choose from (2+)
-Preview of how your thumbnail would look both white and black mode in youtube ?
[Image: image.png?ex=660bf5b6&is=65f980b6&hm=764...height=395]
-Animated version ?
-Unlimited revisions
Contact me
Price: 5 dollars

Dm me here or on discord as username: 9j_________j9
Or on fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/alexeypetrovski/b...aa4de43612